Are You Serious?

Opening one’s email can present an emotional dilemma when a lady and her poodle go their separate ways.

Charlie gave me a special kind of love. You know, the kind of love that overwhelms one’s tail and sends it into a wagging frenzy in response to just a simple smile. The kind of love that wipes one’s memory clean of forgotten snacks, delayed walks, and way too infrequent car rides. What would it take to walk away from this kind of love?

Long before I came to love Charlie, I longed for a love of a different kind, a love of a place I’ve never been, a people I’ve never met, and a problem I never knew needed to be solved. The place may or may not be comfortable. The people may or may not welcome me. The problem may or may not be within my ability to solve. But love calls.

I miss Charlie but I have decided that I don’t want to see him before I leave for the Peace Corps. Saying goodbye is just too hard. Besides, he has two new loves, Dee Dee and Harold. And my new love beckons me as I delete an email from Pet Smart addressed to Charlie and remind myself not to look back.

Am I serious about the Peace Corps? Yes, I believe so.


  1. Jennifer Doss said

    Anita, You are STRONG! With a capital “S”….and then some. People need you. Charlie is loved! DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO! If I knew how to “add music” I would. Anita- you are NEEDED. And missed. xoxo. I understand. Jen. p.s. the world would be such a better place with 1,000,000 of YOU!

  2. Sarah said

    Hi Aunt Anita,
    I am extremely exited for you and the plans the Lord has for you that will soon start unfolding. Eli and I were wondering about Charlie and now our questions are answered. I can only imagine the sacrifice you are making and will pray for you to have peace and joy during this transition in your walk with Christ.
    We miss you and appreciate the time we were able to come to know you.
    Thank you for your love and support of my family.
    God Blesses you because you are His Inheritance. What a joy we have in Jesus.
    I love you

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